I was sceptical about the mini pumps, so I preferred this one because it was seems a little beefier than the smaller ones. It is a little big for the saddle bags, so it doesn't fit at my pro medi saddle bag.
It has a nice sturdy base for the water cage place, but I don't like the pumb to be visible, so I will carry this at my back pack.
It is light and well made and the design with the hose, makes it easy to use and doesn't damage the valves.
I tried it today for testing, by remove all the air from my 27.5 x2.25 wheel and I was surprised that this gained a lot of volume in only a minute of pumping. At 100 strokes it gives 17 psi and at 200 it goes to 31 psi, without any effort at all!
Well spend money on this item.
Ps: I have bought the small one, the short.