Liteville - A brand from the Allgäu region of Germany, known for their constant and continuous innovation. With the Alps on their doorstep and with the help of the testing machines from the parent company Syntace, Liteville frames are tested and further developed under the toughest conditions worldwide. Constant research and innovative ideas drive the development of all Liteville bikes and set new benchmarks. But new innovation doesn’t always mean a new model. Instead, the well-known Liteville 301, 601, 101, 901 and H-3 models are continuously developed and offered in new levels of innovation. With special tube sets, which are butted up to five times, Liteville manages to achieve the highest stability and stiffness with extremely light frames. In addition, there is a 10 year warranty on all frames. On this page you will surely find the right Liteville bike for you ride!