Legal Notice Regarding Batteries!
Since we sell single-use and rechargeable batteries or such devices that contain them, we are obligated according to German battery regulations (BattG) to inform our customers about the following: single-use and rechargeable batteries may not be disposed of in household waste, meaning you are legally obligated to return used single-use and rechargeable batteries. Used batteries can contain substances that can harm the environment or impact your health if not stored or disposed of properly. However, batteries also contain important raw materials such as iron, zinc, manganese or nickel, all of which are recyclable. You can either return used batteries to us or you can bring them free of charge to a local drop-off point (e.g. in shops or at municipal collection points). Distribution at points of sale is limited to the usual quantities for end users, and is also limited to those used batteries that the distributor carries or has carried as new batteries in their range.

A slashed-out dustbin emblem indicates that you should not dispose of either single-use or rechargeable batteries in household waste. Additional symbols may be located underneath this emblem. The following chemical symbols bear these meanings:
Pb = Battery contains lead
Cd = Battery contains cadmium
Hg = Battery contains mercury
For information on the return of used e-bike batteries, please contact our customer service, as special conditions may arise in individual cases.
[Note to international customers: The above notice applies only to battery regulations in Germany. Please check with your local municipality for information regarding the disposal of used batteries.]
Recycling quotas for industrial batteries in accordance with Section 15 (3) of the Battery Act
The recycling quotas achieved in the previous calendar year in accordance with the calculation method found in Section 2 (19) of the Battery Act for our company (bc GmbH) were 100% for old industrial batteries.
The return and disposal of equipment in accordance with the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG)
Just like batteries, electrical and electronic equipment do not belong in household waste. They are therefore regularly marked with the crossed-out trash bin symbol.
These appliances are disposed of via collection and return systems.
You can hand in your equipment at the collection points of public waste disposal authorities or return it to the collection points set up by manufacturers or distributors in accordance with the ElektroG.
You can find an online directory of collection and return points here: .
Devices with a length of up to 25 cm can be handed in at our store or sent to us in a sufficiently stamped package. We also accept larger devices when purchasing an equivalent device (E-bikes, trainers, etc.). Please contact our customer service team with questions.
Before disposal, batteries (rechargeable & non-rechargeable) should be removed from the appliance and disposed of separately, unless the system is a closed system.
Note on the handling of sensitive personal data:
Please remember in your own interest that each end user is responsible for the deletion of data on the equipment to be disposed of. This is particularly true for information and telecommunications technology devices such as computers and smartphones.
Our mailing address:
bc GmbH
Neupforte 2D
52062 Aachen
phone: +49.2405.450045
fax: +49.2405.450046