Balance Bikes
With a balance bike for children, kids get to experience the great freedom that cycling brings to many. On longer walks or joint rides, you can share your passion for bikes with your kids even before they start pedalling on their own. Read More HereOUR Balance Bikes RECOMMANDATIONS
Our Suggestions
Balance bikes train your child's sense of balance in a fun way and prepares them ideally for their first real bike. Here you will find a wide selection from robust MTB balance bikes for children to the first two-wheeler for the playground to high-quality carbon racers.
The right balance bike for your child
Balance bikes fall somewhere in between scooters and bikes. They have neither pedals nor cranks. Like a scooter, children push themselves off the ground with their feet to roll forward. As with a bicycle, they sit on a saddle and can use both legs at the same time. If you want to buy a balance bike for your child, there are a few features you ought to consider. The size of the tyres and the frame are particularly important. Some balance bikes offer a little more adjustability than others. The weight has a big influence on how much fun your child has on the balance bike. However, you should also take a close look at the equipment. Our shop’s filters allow you to narrow down your selection. Also, don't forget that your child should also like their new bike: their favourite colour can be an important factor.
The first balance bike: What age to start?
Most children start riding a balance bike from the age of 2. The decisive factor is the size and your child’s mobility. A balance bike for toddlers under two years of age can be useful if their motor skills are well-developed. An adjustable saddle helps to adjust the balance bike to fit your child and compensate for some growth over the course of use. Height-adjustable handlebars are also very practical. The height of the handlebars is particularly important for a balance bike for older kids so that the upper body remains upright. Our filters include a slider with age recommendations to serve as a starting point for your search.
Balance bikes with 12- or 14-inch tyres
When we talk about the size of a balance bike in inches, we are talking about the diameter of the tyres. Children's balance bikes are usually 12 to 14 inches. The ideal size for your child depends on their height and other factors. Small wheels are lighter and leave more room for a low saddle, so that the balance bike remains manageable even for small children. Larger wheels roll better over uneven ground, smoothing out pavement slabs or roots in the playground. Regardless of the diameter, you should also pay attention to tyre volume and regularly check the air pressure. A great advantage of pneumatic tyres, apart from their light weight, is that they can be comfortably adjusted to the child's weight as a simple form of suspension.
Adjusting the balance bike to the right position
After you have found the right size, you should adjust the balance bike correctly so that your child can enjoy it. It is best to choose the saddle height so that your child can safely place both feet on the ground when sitting in the saddle. The legs should be slightly bent. If the handlebars are adjustable, then you should adjust them so that your child can grip them comfortably with slightly bent arms and the body weight does not rest on the hands. An upright position also helps your child to have a good perspective without having to put their head too far back.
Balance bikes made of wood, aluminium or carbon
Like bikes for adults, kids’ balance bikes are available in various frame materials. They differ mainly in aesthetics and weight. Aluminium is widely used and universally suitable. Children's balance bikes made of carbon are rather the exception. They’re only really relevant if you want to treat your offspring to something fancy. Wooden balance bikes for children are very popular, for example from Kokua and Early Rider.
Balance bike equipment
Compared to a bicycle, there isn’t much to a balance bike. This makes the components all the more important. The grips should be particularly thin so that your child can hold onto them safely and comfortably with their small hands. A little padding at the ends of the handlebars reduces the risk of bruises in the event of a fall. Limiting the steering angle can be useful for preventing accidents. A balance bike with a brake helps your child to learn how to use the brake lever. It is not absolutely necessary, however, as most children intuitively prefer to brake with their feet, as long as they aren’t using pedals yet. Grippy tyres add to fun and boost safety. Footrests are useful for first trips on easy trails.
Riding the balance bike: Always wear a helmet!
Safety first, especially for your children. A helmet should therefore already be a matter of course on the balance bike. Make sure that your child also wears sturdy shoes and does not ride the balance bike barefoot or in loose sandals!
Balance bikes for girls and boys
Balance bikes are basically suitable for all genders. Manufacturers often choose different colours and decorative details for girls' bikes than for boys' bikes. Functionally and ergonomically, however, there is no reason for a distinction. However, size and taste are important.